Welcome to Ciphian Cosmos

  • Ciphadom
    (CiphaLab / CiphianBase / CiphixCenter)

  • Patent/Technical Translation
    特許/技術翻訳    CiphaLab  (サイファラブ)

  • Books: Ciphian Eyes
    著書 : Ciphian Eyes (英文)

    A Tale of Polarisapia   (プロジクト進行中)
    Rosy Testamenta   (プロジクト進行中)

Sola & Luna

In May of 2012, Sola and Luna joined the Ciphadom as homeless
kittens, about two months old. First they showed up near our place, and eventually they found their home under our veranda and soon in our house. From the patterns on their fur, they were apparently brother and sister. Sola turned out to be very smart and friendly. Luna, on the other hand, is shy, modest, and tender-hearted. (to be continued)